Frequently Asked Questions

There are usually a few questions when it comes to selling your property privately. As experts in their field DIY Real Estate has put together some of the most common questions and provided the answers. This includes real estate terms and meanings, general information about selling privately and practical answers to some of the 'how and why' questions. 

Can I sell privately if I still have a real estate agent?

Technically yes you can however the real estate agency agreement contract (especially if it's an exclusive agency contract) you signed usually has a clause in it stating that if you sell you will owe then the commission anyway. Best check the contract. 

Can I sell privately if the real estate agency agreement has finished?

Yes you can however check the clauses in the agency contract as if you sell to a buyer who was previously introduced to your property by a real estate salesperson, in many cases you will still pay their commission. This period of time does expire so read the contract carefully. If the agency agreement has finished, just ask for a list of people who were introduced to your property whether via appointment or open home.

Do I need a Real Estate Sale and Purchase Agreement?

No is the short answer. It's best left to solicitors to sort out this paperwork as it's a legal document that you don't want to get wrong.

How do I deal with property buyer offers?

If you have a potential buyer, they will most certainly let you know. Chances are they will have already asked many questions. More than likley you will have discussed these face to face or over the phone. When it comes to negotiating price, the most common ways to interact is by email or perhaps text. This avenue provides both parties time to think about their responses to price or any questions about the property.

What information do I need from a property buyer?

All you need is the agreed price, if they have another property to sell first or it's just subject to finance and when they want to move in. You'll also need their solicitors details.

Which solicitor writes up the Sale and Purchase Agreement?

That's up to you and the buyer to decide. If your solictor writes it up, then they will put in the basics such as price, settlement etc but they are unlikly to add any further clauses. This then passes to the buyers solicitor who is likly to add several other clauses, then pass it back to your solicitor for you to agree (or not). The quicker way would be for the buyers solicitor to write it up therefore eliminating one step. At the end of the day, the buyers are the ones who will want builders reports, insurance details etc so suggest to the buyer that they present the written sales and purchase agreement to your solicitor (you can always tweek their clause beofore you finally sign everything off).

Where can I get real estate signs from?

DIY Real Estate have supplied 1000's of real estate signs to happy customers throughout New Zealand. These signs have been designed to stand out and ordering is simple. Check out the property sign options here: Real Estate Signs NZ 

What are real estate signs made of?

Most real estate signs are made of corflue which is a corregated plastic material usually 3mm thick (although larger signs over 1 metre in size are 5mm thick). Forr outdoors use, the signs are deemed to be a temporary signage solution. It all depends how much sunlight and UV exposure a sign will get however they will generally last a year. This is more than enough time for a real estate sign as you should have sold you property well before this. Typically the sign is printed on directly with ink - sort of like a large inkjet printer. This means good colours and accurate positioning of text etc.

How do I put up a real estate sign?

This depends on where you can or need to place the sign. Read How to Put up a Real Estate Sign section. 



If you can't find an answer to your property question here, please contact DIY Real Estate and we will endeavour to answer it.